So, my three year old son thought the book Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss was soo funny and he NEEDED green eggs!
He’s also on a “I wanna help you” kick so I try let him help cook when I can. The ham did not go so well, but we nailed the eggs!

What you need:
-Green Eggs and Ham the book
-Eggs of choice
-Ham (we just used sliced deli ham)
-Basting brush (not completely necessary)
-Paper plate/paper towels - the food coloring kinda got everywhere so it’s best to have something to protect your counter top
Green Eggs
The eggs are pretty self explanatory - cook your eggs like normal, and add two drops of green food coloring as you’re cooking.
Green Ham
This was a little tricky because the food coloring just absorbed into the meat so it turned out a little splotchy. We used a basting brush to try and spread it. Next time I might add the food coloring to water, butter, or mayo and try and paint it on.
End Result
SO MUCH FUN! I read him the book again while he ate, and I just think it's so cute how funny he thinks this book is!

The Bailee Ann - Texas Blogger